Knitting Problems

A Pep Talk on Accepting Mistakes in Knitting

So, I’m almost finished knitting this pair of Vanilla Latte socks, and I just discovered that while there should be three knit stitches…

Knitting Problem Solved: Is your hat too big? Turn it into a cowl!

This is a quick post to share a creative solution to a common knitting problem: that problem that occurs when you don’t bother…

UFO: Tropical Clutch

UFO alert!  I’ve had this project on my needles since May of 2013.  It’s about 3/4-way finished, but I…


I’m Not Super Stitious, I’m Just a Little Stitious

I did the most insane thing this morning…. I usually shape toes by decreasing every other round until there are 10 stitches on each…



I deeply regret selecting these dark needles for use with this dark yarn…  it’s so hard to see the stitches! There…


To Finish or To Frog?

Last Spring I began knitting a cowl out of sock yarn… which is exactly as tedious as it sounds.  I chose this pattern…

Uh oh…

Oh man, I’ve got a serious problem here….  I picked up my “My So Called Scarf” for the first…

RIP Blue Angel Shawl

Back in the summer of 2013 I was super excited to sign up for a mystery knit-a-long with Craftsy.  Well, the danger…


Fail: Owl Apple Cozy

I tried to make this adorable apple cozy, but it was a big fail.  My owl looks cute, but it is way too small…


Needle Troubles

Have you ever had a project that you really don’t like, but you’ve passed the point of no return, so you…