
Checking in…

It seems like it’s been a while since I have blogged about actual knitting and not just silly other stuff, so here is a quick update on what’s going on with my needles (& hook!):

1.  I’ve been primarily working on the crocheted wine tote that I started two weeks ago.  I’m almost finished with the body of that… I tend to work on it for about half an hour and then get frustrated and put the fiber arts away for the rest of the day, so maybe that’s not a good thing.  But it will be finished soon and then I will have a spiffy new wine tote for BYOB parties!

2.  I have been ignoring my brother’s scarf because I’m frustrated with the intarsia.  I keep screwing up and it’s no fun.  ๐Ÿ™

3.  Baby blanket is still where it was last time I checked in.  I’m excited because I’m on the second half now so every row is a decrease – it’s like knitting downhill!  I’m not in a huge hurry to finish that up because I have until January and I’m sure I’ll have lots of time to work on it during Christmas since I’ll be taking a few days off work. (Yay!)

4.  This weekend I am knitting up a special secret project!!

5.  I’m thinking about starting a new pair of socks and trying to pick a pattern.  I may just end up knitting a new pair of jaywalkers.

6.  FO post for the fan shawl is coming your way soon!!

In other news, my kitty is sick.  ๐Ÿ™  I took her in for a bunch of diagnostic tests this week to try to find out what is wrong with her, and waiting for the results is killing me!  … please think good thoughts for us!

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