wine tote

Crocheted Wine Tote

I love my wine… and sometimes I am forced by social convention to share a bottle or two when I visit other peoples&#8217…


(Long) Weekend Update

Hooray for President’s Day weekend!  I got tons of knitting done, as well as lots of Buffy-watching and my first foray…


A few updates

Well, I was sick this week.  I stayed home from work two days.  Day #1, I was too sick to knit!  (boo…


The Wine Tote (from hell)

You may recall that I started crocheting a wine tote last October.  What ever happened to that?  The thing is,  it sucks…


Crochet Crap

I located the Happy Reindeer and I was trying to work on him this weekend, but I was having the hardest time with it and…


A Quick Check In

Dear Blog, I haven’t forgotten about you!  … okay, maybe I forgot about you a little bit. Since I last checked in…


Checking in…

It seems like it’s been a while since I have blogged about actual knitting and not just silly other stuff, so here is…


New Project!

I saw this on Pinterest yesterday and I had to have it… immediately!! I know, I know, I hate to crochet, but seriously&#8230…