
Jaywalker Socks with Afterthought Heel

I used to be addicted to knitting Jaywalker socks as a fun way to show off self-striping yarn but I eventually got really annoyed…


I’m Not Super Stitious, I’m Just a Little Stitious

I did the most insane thing this morning…. I usually shape toes by decreasing every other round until there are 10 stitches on each…

Vintagey Jaywalkers

Here is my latest pair of Jaywalkers… I absolutely love this colorway!  It’s called Time Traveler.  I picked it up…


Needle Troubles

Have you ever had a project that you really don’t like, but you’ve passed the point of no return, so you…

Hello 2015!

My poor little blog, I’m sorry I sort of abandoned you last month.  You know how the holidays can get… but…

More Jaywalkers

I’m not a very big fan of variegated yarn, but I acquired this yarn in a trade and I had no idea what…

Hello Again!

I just got back from a long vacation in which I got very little knitting done, unfortunately.  The only knitting I did was on…

Another Pair of Jaywalkers

I just can’t get enough of these Jaywalker socks made with Knit Pick’s Felici self-striping yarn!  So, here is yet…


Nice Job, Knit Picks…

Well, everyone is pretty angry with Knit Picks right now over the whole stolen credit card numbers scandal, and I am too, considering my card…


A Quick Check In

Dear Blog, I haven’t forgotten about you!  … okay, maybe I forgot about you a little bit. Since I last checked in…