Irresistible Stocking Stuffers for Knitters (5 Gifts Under $10!)

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It’s November, which means it’s time to start drafting your holiday gift list… you know, unless you’re a knitter, in which case you drafted that list ages ago and have been knitting like a maniac since July.

This post is dedicated to all the civilians out there who are shopping for stocking stuffers for knitters. Or, if you want to keep it secular, we can just call it a list of gifts under $10 that your knitting friends will love.

1. Knitting Pencil Set

Think no one uses pencils after elementary school? Wrong. Knitters use them all the time to mark up patterns. They are also handy for erasing items off your to do list in order to make more time for knitting. (Speaking of to do lists, this “Things To Do Before I Can Knit” notepad also makes an epic gift.)

Bonus: if your knitter is into staging elaborate photos of their knitting for Instagram, knitting stationary sets make awesome flat lay props!

These knitting pencils are my top pick for this list because here are seven pencils in this set, so you can buy one and break it up to serve as small gifts for multiple knitters or pop them one-by-one on a knitting advent calendar, gift them over a few days of Hanukkah, or whatever floats your boat.

2. Wraps Per Inch Tool

Mini WPI Tool for Knitting - Stocking Stuffer for Knitters

This suggestion falls in the category of “Knitting Tools They May Not Already Own.” A Wraps Per Inch Tool is a nifty little device that helps you identify a yarn’s weight. (In knitting speak, yarn weight refers to a yarn’s thickness, not how heavy it is). Yes, that information is on the label, but sometimes we lose labels. Also, sometimes the weight categories are too broad. A yarn labeled “fingering weight” can range from 18 to 30 WPI, a spread that can seriously impact the drape of your fabric, even if you use get gauge. (Translation: even though you follow the instructions, your knitting will look crappy).

I love this mini WPI Tool from Knit Picks because it’s tiny and fits nicely in your notions bag. They also have a slightly larger version that features a unicorn knitting a rainbow.

3. Knitting Stickers

Yarn Love Sticker - Small Gift for Knitters

Knitting stickers are a fabulous gift – especially if your knitter tends to be a minimalist. Sure, you could buy them a funny knitting phone case… or, you could gift them a nice vinyl yarn sticker like this and they can turn their perfectly-functional existing phone case into knitting swag! (But, if you’re gonna buy them a knitting phone case, I guarantee that this one is the one they want!)

4. Emergency Fix Keychain

Emergency Fix Keychain - Cheap Gift for Knitters

The emergency fix keychain is a little crochet hook doodad that you can use if you drop a stitch. This one is two-sided so you can use it on thick or thin yarn and it has a keychain attached.

I threw this keychain, some locking stitch markers, and a collapsible set of scissors on a carabiner that to make it the ultimate portable knitting emergency kit:

Knitting Emergency Keychain

5. Gold Stitch Markers

Finally, if you’re lucky enough to be on a knitter’s “nice list”, you should probably get them a gift that costs more than ten dollars, ‘cuz I guarantee you that yarn did…

Go ahead and splurge on these gorgeous gold heart stitch markers. At $12.99, they are slightly over that arbitrary $10 limit I set when I dreamed up this post, but you know what they say: rules were meant to be broken.

Feeling extra rebellious? Global Backyard offers free shipping on orders over $35, so throw a skein of their ridiculously soft sock yarn into your cart too.

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