
Irresistible Stocking Stuffers for Knitters (5 Gifts Under $10!)

It’s November, which means it’s time to start drafting your holiday gift list… you know, unless you’re a…

The Essential Guide to Buying Yarn for a Mother’s Day Gift

So you want to buy your mom yarn for Mother’s Day, eh? Awesome! But I’m going to throw a caution flag…

Read This Before Gifting Knitted Socks

When I first started knitting socks they were such a labor of love that I couldn’t imagine ever giving them away… no…

Valentine’s Day Gifts for Knitters

Looking for a Valentine’s Day gift for a knitter you love?  I spent the day browsing the interwebs for some super fun gifts…

WeWork Socks

I made these socks for my friend and coworker, Ed.  I named them WeWork Socks after our favorite shared workspace. 🙂 I’m sure it…

Gifts for The Knitting Mama!

I’ll start this post off with two disclaimers: First, I’m a cat-mom, not a people-mom (but I still know…

Mini Pug Amigurumi

I wanted to make a little birthday gift for my friend Ivy who loves pugs, but I was also kind of short on time so…


Looking for a Gift for Your Knitter?

About two years ago I created an etsy treasury of unique gifts for knitters.  (I blogged about it back then and even created a…

New Wine Charms in the Shop! Great Christmas Gift for Knitters!

I felt crafty yesterday so I made up some knitting wine charms to list in my etsy shop!  I love these wine charms so…


Stamps for Knitters!

I was just playing around on etsy and I found the CUTEST thing!!  Check out this adorable personalized stamp for knitters: And, as if…