Little Sweet Baby Blanket

Too Many WIPS to Count!

I have a serious WIP situation going on right now… and… I just made it worse by casting on a new pair of…

Little Sweet Baby Blanket

I know I was so worried I wasn’t going to get this blanket finished before the mom-to-be left on maternity leave…


Finished! (Almost!)

I finished knitting the baby blanket last night. Here it is in all its glory: Now I just need to weave in all the ends…


Race Against the Stork

I’m still not finished with the baby blanket but I’m very, very close to being done!! I was originally going to…


Knit One, Sip One

Check out the awesome knitting flask I got for my birthday:Who knew they even made such a thing? As you can see, it slides…


Baby Blanket Progress

The baby blanket is almost half-way through. I was a little worried I didn’t have enough yarn, but I realize now that…



I’ve been working on the baby blanket this week and I’m a little over 1/4 way through (estimated because I…



Finals + out of state visitors + new job = very little knitting and no blog posts. Let’s see if I can do better! Here is…


Little Sweet Baby Blanket

I cast on today for the “Big Bad Baby Blanket” from Stitch ‘n Bitch, but mine is going to be called the…