Math Mystery Solved!

I solved my math problem regarding the bust size of my bluebell, and I’m ready to separate the sleeves. Hooray! Here is a pic of my progress:

So, here is a recap of my math blunders:

Problem #1

The pattern for a 33” bust calls for 17 increase rows with 8 stitches increased per row, for a total of 136 increased rows. So I divided 136 stitches by my gauge of 4.75 stitches per inch and came up with a bust measurement of 28.6”… well that can’t be right, can it? My gauge isn’t that off. So I test with her recommended gauge: 136/4.5= 30.2” Nope, it’s not my gauge, it must be the pattern. I will check errata. Errata check reveals there are no pattern errors on the bust. It is my math.

Problem #2
This time when I pick up the pattern I see that at the end of 17 increases I will have 244 stitches on the needle. So I divide 244 by 4.75 and get… a 51.4” bust. OK, at this point I am getting really frustrated. I put my math away.

After I cleared my head I picked up the pattern again and I realized that my first calculation neglected the 108 stitches I already had on the needle before I increased. My second calculation included these cast on stitches, but it also included the stitches I am separating for the sleeve. Here is my “duh” moment: I only count the body stitches to calculate my bust measurement. I will be pulling out 48 stitches on either side for my sleeve leaving 148 stitches left on the needle. 148/4.75= 31.15” (Double check using pattern gauge: 148/4.5= 32.8” Yes!) And now we are working with realistic numbers.

Since a 31” bust is too small for me (thank god) I decided to do 18 increase rows which will add 8 stitches to my body stitch count, making 156/4.75= 32.8” This is a number I can live with, considering the following:

I pulled out my knit check and read the gauge on my actual project with is coming out to 20X25 over 4” instead of my swatch gauge of 19×25. This gives me 5 stitches per inch instead of 4.75.

Conclusion: 156/5= 31.2” … and the truth I have been hiding is that I don’t actually have a 32” bust.