Blue Bell


Well folks, it was a long and bumpy road, but I finally finished up our dear friend Bluebell this week. Overall, I’d say…


Bluebell Blocking Under the Christmas Tree

Here she is, blocking away. I was able to stretch out the sleeves to 17”, like on the diagram in the book, so we…


stockinette blues

Whining alert. I knitted last night in lieu of reading for tax. It was pretty unfulfilling though because I’m stranded in a stretch…


Now What??

So, I finished Sheldina and Bluebell (sans blocking), I started Roxy’s bed, and now I am free to put something else on the…


Bluebell (from hell?)

So, I seamed up Bluebell tonight. Words are not necessary: Say a prayer to the blocking gods for me…



BUSTED!! Roxy caught in the act kneading my knitting…. Now to the post….. I finished up knitting Bluebell last night!! Hooray! Will I…


almost done!!

I’m nearly finished knitting bluebell – I just have to knit the design on the cuff of that second sleeve, then I&#8217…


Progress Report

Well, I’m over my SSS with bluebell (second sleeve syndrome). I’m actually almost finished- I’m about 2/3 of…


Out of the Slump!

Last night I picked up the stitches for the second sleeve of Bluebell! …I’ll wait for applause… I knitted the first…


I should have knitted….

Spent Friday night moping, Saturday night drinking, and most of today reorganizing my iTunes library. Overall, I wish I had spent all that unproductive time…