

My First Moccasin Toe!

I have been watching my Craftsy course on knitting toe up socks this morning.  I’m really loving it.  The first hour…


Toe-Up Up and Away!

I mentioned yesterday that I registered for another class at Craftsy.  The class is called “Knit Original Toe-Up Socks”* and…


More Craftsy Fun

I was just on Craftsy, registering for yet another class, when I accidentally happened on their 404 error page.  I just had to share…


Duvino Progress

I’m about a quarter of the way through my double-knit Duvino headband that I’m making as part of my Craftsy…


Craftsy Love! I’m at it again!

I just signed up for two more Craftsy classes!  Well, technically, these are “workshops” not “classes.”  The difference is…

Tiny Monster Alert!

I’m back at Craftsy again, taking Stacey Trock’s class on how to design your own amigurumi monsters.*  (I freakin’ love…

Double the Fun!

Several weeks ago, I talked about how much I would like to learn double-knitting.  Well, I decided to put my money where my mouth…