Back to School!

Spring semester starts tomorrow! ๐Ÿ™ Back to all work and no play for Pepper. No matter. I resolve to knit more this season. It calms me down. Also, I gained at least 5 pounds over Christmas, so I have to get back on the knitting diet (as in, your hands are too busy to snack).

To commemorate going back to school, I spent several hours last night working on the Back to School Vest. It’s knit from the bottom up, and I am now about 5.5 inches in. You are supposed to work 8.5” before you start the waffle stitch for the bust. I can’t decide if I will make it a little longer or not. I prefer my shirts longer, but if it’s just a vest, you don’t want it to be too long or it will look funny right? Maybe I need to put on a button-up and figure out exactly how much of the shirt tail will show.

Here’s a WIP pic!
Also, I love my new ball band/keeper-together thingie. Look how the whole thing is shrinking as I get near the end. At this point, it would usually be a scraggly mess and I would have to stop and roll a center-pull ball. I was initially worried that the end of the mesh would snag my yarn, but so far nothing bad has happened, only wonderful things have happened. Yay for new gadgets!