
Color Theory For Knitters

I found a bag of swatches this morning from my color theory for knitters class on Bluprint and I was reminded of how much I…


Gauge Swatches are for Wussies!

This is so me…. I {heart} Natalie Dee…


Experimental Swatching

So, we all know my love for swatching for gauge (said with sarcasm), but this morning I was forced to knit a swatch to test…

Scott’s hat

So, I’ve been trying to get started on my brother’s hat the past few days but I’m having nothing…


Resisting… the urge… to knit!

Once again I find myself playing the role of the grasshopper in that story about the ant and the grasshopper. I played (moped) all semester…


For posterity…

I realize that I never recorded the info about the gauge swatches I made in July for the hexacomb cardigan. One of the main reasons…


checking in

I had the flu last week and spent a lot of time in bed. I kept thinking I should use the down time to knit…


Cozy up!

I cast on for the cashmere arm cosies last night (finally!) I am worried about the size here because of my last disappointing attempt at…