Stacey Trock

How to Crochet Banana Slugs

I whipped up this crochet banana slug for a coworker who loves to ask funny questions like, “Would you rather eat a banana slug…

Stretch the Giraffe

I’m in love with this sweet giraffe designed by my favorite stuffed animal designer – Stacey Trock of freshstitches.  This is from…

Frosty the Tiny Snowman

Considering all the snow we have had in Boston lately, Stacey could not have picked a more appropriate little cutie to go in our freshstitches…

Maybe Monday: Giraffes!

Ugh.  Is it Monday already??  Well, on the bright side, this means I can post another “Maybe Monday” blog post! &nbsp…

Flavia the Unicorn

I simply couldn’t be happier with my latest crochet project….  Meet Flavia the Unicorn, another freshstitches friend!  I wanted to crochet something…

Purple People Eater

Yet another adorable Fresh Stitches design slid off my hook recently – it’s the super cute one-eyed, one-horned, flying Purple People…

Ro, the Tiny-er Monster

…. he’s back!!  It’s Ro the Tiny Monster, and he’s even more tiny this time around!  I crocheted him…

I’m Joining the Tiny Along!

Stacey at Fresh Stitches has challenged us to crochet tiny amigurumi cuties and today I accepted the challenge!  I am knitting a tiny Ro…

Nelson the Owl

Have I mentioned lately how much I adore Stacey Trock’s super cute amigurumi designs??  Well, I do!  So far I have only made…


Craftsy Love! I’m at it again!

I just signed up for two more Craftsy classes!  Well, technically, these are “workshops” not “classes.”  The difference is…