Squatty Sidekick


Now What??

So, I finished Sheldina and Bluebell (sans blocking), I started Roxy’s bed, and now I am free to put something else on the…


What next?

I can’t decide what to cast on next. (Look at me, I’m already antsy to start on a new project with…

Amanda’s Squatty Sidekick

Here it is: my first felted object! I’ve been wanting to try felting for a long time, but I’ve been hesitant…


Weekend Update

I went out so many nights this week that I really needed some downtime this weekend so I spent a lot of time knitting. 1…


First Felted FO!

I felted my squatty sidekick purse last Friday! At first it was a little nerve racking, but it took almost an hour to felt, so…


Update on Blue Bell and the sidekick

drumroll…… I cast on for blue bell last night. I knitted the garter stitch neckline and marker placement row. Two small mistakes I…



Spent last night working on the sidekick. I finished the body, and the handle. Now I just need to attach the handle, knit the closure…


Felting on Purpose?

Last night I started working on a felted bag called the “squatty sidekick” – how cute is that? I know, I’m…