Sassy Stripes Socks


reflections on my sock

I think the problem with my fat sock is that the heel flap isn’t long enough. The sock gaps around my ankle, which…


this sock aint that sassy

I finished up sassy stripes sock #1 and I still don’t like it. I feel like it makes my foot look fat. Also…


checking in

I had the flu last week and spent a lot of time in bed. I kept thinking I should use the down time to knit…


moving onto the foot of sassy sock

I turned the heel and worked the gusset of my sock over the weekend, so now I’m just knitting the foot. I&#8217…

Sock Research

I found a website telling me how to knit my sock heel on the two circs. It is pretty intuitive, I’m sure I…


Sassy Socks are growing!

Last I finished up the leg on sock #1. It’s 7 inches long. (That’s what she said…. ha ha) I…


Pants on Fire

So, my socks aren’t exactly magic loop like I thought they were. Funny story – I clicked on the wrong video on knittinghelp…


My Second Pair of Socks!

I cast on for my second pair of socks on Tuesday night. Oh yes, it’s addictive. I am just using a ribbed sock…