
Riverrun Scarf

I was so inspired by the beautiful color changes in Knit Picks’ Chroma yarn back when it first came out that I  couldn&#8217…


It seems like a million years ago when I found that awesome deal on RYC Soft Lux yarn and it was like kizmet because I…


The Frustrated Knitter

Frustration #1: Delphine I took Delphine off the blocking board and it is still pretty skin tight. It’s a shame because it&#8217…


Lace Lifelines

Today’s Knitting Daily has some great tips from putting lifelines in your lace knitting:…

Lace Ribbon Scarf

Lace! Huzzah! This scarf was my first major attempt at lace and I loved working on it. It was definitely a learning experience – I…


Ready, Set, Go! It’s a Commuting Scarf

I cast on Sunday for the lace ribbon scarf from this spring’s Knitty. It’s my little project to work on during…