

I know I owe you some FO posts, but I’m struggling with getting pictures of my recently finished items: the hexacomb cardigan, my…

Tweet, tweet!

Look who woke up to her 200th twitter follower this morning!  Yay…

Where is Pepper?

I haven’t posted to the blog in a while because I’ve been consumed with a new website project, a site for…

Decisions, Decisions!

Help!  I think I’m ready to start a new project, but I can’t decide which one!  I’ve…


Yay!  My knitting stamps from Cupcake Tree arrived!  Look how cute…

A Super Quick WIP Update

I’m happy to report that I got tons of knitting done over the long weekend.  I feel so relaxed and excited…

Wanna Stalk Me?

You now have the option to follow me on bloglovin…. feel the love. Follow my blog with Bloglovin…

Tweet Tweet!

Yes!  Let’s Get Crafting Magazine just retweeted me.  I’m so cool! A very slight silver lining: RT @pehpurr: Thank…

Miss Me?

I just got back from a wonderfully relaxing and *romantic* vacation in New Hampshire.  We got in lots of leaf-peeping and tax-free…

OMG… Martha!

FYI: Martha Stewart makes yarn now&#8230…