Hexacomb Cardigan


The deed is done

OK, I un-grafted the shoulders on the cardigan and replaced the graft with a three needle bind off. It looks SO much better. I…


Moment of Truth

I finished knitting the sleeves for the hexacomb cardigan tonight: Awe, aren’t they cute? Now comes the moment of truth: I have to…


Sleeves Part II

Bleh – sleeve drama: The sleeves of the hexacomb cardigan are knit from the cuff up, with a garter stitch border followed by stockinette with…


For posterity…

I realize that I never recorded the info about the gauge swatches I made in July for the hexacomb cardigan. One of the main reasons…


I’ve decided to knit the sleeves for my hexacomb cardigan flat, like the pattern calls. I think the set in sleeves will look…


digital failure

I have a super painful ingrown fingernail on my right index finger and I haven’t been able to knit since Thursday. The doctor…



I was totally depressed this afternoon so I decided to ignore my homework and knit. So, I tried to work on the sleeves of the…



So, I think an illustration is in order to show the botched shoulder on the hexacomb cardigan:You can see how each of the hexacombs…


Finishing Considerations on the Hexacomb Cardigan

I finished the body of the hexacomb cardigan on Sunday. I joined the shoulders using kitchener stitch instead of binding off and sewing them together…



So, I haven’t been knitting a whole lot lately. I got some cool new games for my DS, then I got a wii…