Hearts Baby Blanket

Hearts Baby Blanket

Oh, how I loathe making baby blankets… but I love them so much when they are finished!! I think this is my cutest one…


I don’t heart finishing

I’m done knitting the edging to the baby blanket! Yay! Now for the dreaded finishing. Have I ever mentioned how much I hate…



I finished knitting the main body of the baby blanket! Yay! Now all that’s left is to make the edging and attach it…



Here are a few updates on my projects: 1. I finished up my latest pair of jaywalkers last weekend – FO post to come! (You…


My Little Helper

I hope the baby isn’t allergic to kitties…


New Project!

The brother and sister not-in-law are having a baby which means only one thing… baby blanket! Yay! I have been procrastinating a…