

Tess – Now with two sleeves!

It felt so good to finish up my Hexacomb Cardigan yesterday, that today I decided to pull another UFO out of the closet and do…


Tess Progress

Well, I promised you that I would work on finishing up Tess during my period of unemployment, and I want you to know that I…


I don’t heart finishing

I’m done knitting the edging to the baby blanket! Yay! Now for the dreaded finishing. Have I ever mentioned how much I hate…


Why I Hate My Life

There are many reasons why I could hate my life. There’s the six months of unemployment, the ten pounds I’ve gained…



I finally faced the beast yesterday and did the neckband on my hexacomb cardigan. I’ve been avoiding looking at it since the fiasco…


Tess Therapy

I’ve been really blue lately and unfortunately I’m in that place where I’m afraid to go to bed because…



I haven’t been blogging a whole lot lately, I haven’t been kitting too much either, I guess. I’ve been…


The deed is done

OK, I un-grafted the shoulders on the cardigan and replaced the graft with a three needle bind off. It looks SO much better. I…


Moment of Truth

I finished knitting the sleeves for the hexacomb cardigan tonight: Awe, aren’t they cute? Now comes the moment of truth: I have to…


The Problem of Escaping Pellets

When I made the Elefante stuffy for my mom’s birthday it was the first time I had used poly pellets to weigh down…