

UMMM….  I always wondered why I didn’t have an Elephante FO post.  I knew I wrote one and I just figured it…


The Problem of Escaping Pellets

When I made the Elefante stuffy for my mom’s birthday it was the first time I had used poly pellets to weigh down…

Emma’s Elephant

My father showed one of his clients my knitting blog after I posted the pics of the elephant I made for my mom’s…


I’ve decided to knit the sleeves for my hexacomb cardigan flat, like the pattern calls. I think the set in sleeves will look…


Progress on the elephant

Yesterday I had every intention of doing many productive things, but it rained all day so I knitted and watched Deep Space Nine all day…


Rain & Elephants

It’s been raining for 2 days, which means I don’t want to do anything but knit! Yesterday I was feeling pretty…



So, I haven’t been knitting a whole lot lately. I got some cool new games for my DS, then I got a wii…


Overdue Update

1. I can finally reveal what the mysterious “surprise” project is: a darling striped elephant that I knitted for my mom’s…