Do Something New KAL


Knitting Trophy!

Hooray! My prize for getting my (one and only) letter in the Do Something New KAL came today! I got three balls of bright red…


It’s Here!

Roxy says:“Yay! My yarn is here!” I’m done with finals! Yay! Now I can devote all my time to knitting…


What next?

I can’t decide what to cast on next. (Look at me, I’m already antsy to start on a new project with…


weekend update: sloth & gluttony

I didn’t get any knitting done this weekend. I mostly sinned and napped. Dynamite combination. I would definitely get more knitting (and studying…


The game plan

OK, so I now have the rest of my Cascade 220 to finish up Bluebell, and I’m also chugging right along on Sheldina…

This scarf stole my heart too!

I absolutely must knit this scarf featured in today’s knitting daily: Modern Quilt Wrap I am completely in love with it! The colors…