
Flavia the Unicorn

I simply couldn’t be happier with my latest crochet project….  Meet Flavia the Unicorn, another freshstitches friend!  I wanted to crochet something…

Purple People Eater

Yet another adorable Fresh Stitches design slid off my hook recently – it’s the super cute one-eyed, one-horned, flying Purple People…

Ro, the Tiny-er Monster

…. he’s back!!  It’s Ro the Tiny Monster, and he’s even more tiny this time around!  I crocheted him…

I’m Joining the Tiny Along!

Stacey at Fresh Stitches has challenged us to crochet tiny amigurumi cuties and today I accepted the challenge!  I am knitting a tiny Ro…

Nelson the Owl

Have I mentioned lately how much I adore Stacey Trock’s super cute amigurumi designs??  Well, I do!  So far I have only made…


Can you name this headless cheerleader?

Look at what I’m crocheting!  …. no pattern, so I’m just making it up as I go…


The Ouchie Owl….

This weekend I’ve been crocheting Nelson, a cute owl amigurumi designed by Stacey Trock that I am working on through a Craftsy workshop…

Tiny Monster Alert!

I’m back at Craftsy again, taking Stacey Trock’s class on how to design your own amigurumi monsters.*  (I freakin’ love…

Crocheted Wine Tote

I love my wine… and sometimes I am forced by social convention to share a bottle or two when I visit other peoples&#8217…

Vera the Ladybug

My sweet little niece Kadyn loves ladybugs and her birthday was coming up so I decided to crochet her this little lady!  Her name is…