Cookie A

Striation Socks

More fun with a Cookie A pattern and Stroll Glimmer yarn. yarn detailsKnit Picks Glimmer in PotionFingering WeightDye Lot 16939070% Fine Superwash Merino Wool…

Speckle Monkeys

I have wanted to try speckle dyed yarn for a while, so I picked up a skein of the Hawthorne Speckle from Knit Picks to…

Nebula Socks

I had so much fun knitting the traveling twisted stitches in my Drachenschwingen socks that I decided to pick another really fun and complicated-ish…

Girl on Fire Socks

Found these socks while browsing Ravelry last Spring.  I think I may have been in the middle of watching the Hunger Games movies, so…

What’s in a needle?

I am knitting some cool socks with a fairly complicated traveling twisted stitch cable pattern and I just wanted to share my observation that in…