Classy Socks


Photography Do-Over

My pictures on this blog vary from sucky to ok to pretty nice…  I have yet to take anything super great, but, in…

Classy Socks #2

These are the socks from hell. I started making them back in December and I thought they were going to be a relatively quick knit…


new sock yarn = new socks!

Knit Picks sent me a horrible email announcing that a ton of discontinued colors of sock yarn were on sale and blatantly reminded me that…

Classy Slip-Up Socks

These are my first pair of “real” socks – that is, socks made with actual sock yarn and tiny needles. They took me forever to knit…

Niblet Socks

Since the Sassy Stripes socks that I gave to my mom keep getting holes in them which I can never seem to fix, I decided…


No, I’m not dead

My goodness it’s been a while since I’ve posted!! I’ve been on a semi-knitting hiatus I suppose, as…



I brought my classy socks home to Utah to work on while I’m here for the holidays. When I was on the plane…


Monthly Update

I feel like my posts to this blog are becoming monthly updates! lol. I’ve sort of been on a blogging diet lately, but…



I haven’t been blogging a whole lot lately, I haven’t been kitting too much either, I guess. I’ve been…


It’s a good thing she’s cute…

I left my classy socks knitting out and Roxy chewed up one of my bamboo sock needles. Damn…