New Cascade 220!

Unraveled Sheep sent me a discount coupon for my birthday, so I popped in there today before it expired and stocked up on some Cascade…

Progress on My Piggy

OK, so all the pieces of my crochet piggy are finished, and she just needs to be sewn together. As you may have noticed, I…

Up and running?

New blogger is so lame…

Chinese Charm Bag

There is a cute purse in Stitch & Bitch called the “Chinese Charm Bag” that is made out of super yummy yarn with…

Mouse Cat Toy

I knitted this cute kitty toy for my swap partner’s kitty cat, Rudy. It’s a simple little pattern from Stitch &#038…

Mrs. Darcy Cardigan

Last week I finished up my Mrs. Darcy cardigan, designed by the lovely and talented indieknitter. I knitted this project in a knit-a-long…


One Armed Mrs. Darcy…

I thought I had my Mrs. Darcy cardigan finished until I tried it on and realized that one arm is shorter than the other&#8230…

Crochet from hell

I’m trying to develop my crochet skills so I can be a more well-rounded needle crafter, but I find it loads more…


Roxy Loves Sheldon


drumroll… it’s Sheldon from Knitty!   This was such a fun and easy knit! I followed the pattern to the letter &#8211…