
Amanda’s Squatty Sidekick

Here it is: my first felted object! I’ve been wanting to try felting for a long time, but I’ve been hesitant…

Cotton Headband

I made this headband to hold my hair back while I am wearing a mask or washing my face. Pretty utilitarian, but a finished object…

Dashing Arm Warmers

Another hell project: Knitty’s “Dashing” Arm Warmers. OK, to be fair, the project itself is not from hell, but my freakishly…

Chinese Charm Bag

There is a cute purse in Stitch & Bitch called the “Chinese Charm Bag” that is made out of super yummy yarn with…

Scott’s Bag

My brother requested I make him this “aloe vera” leaf bag… this is the first knitting project I actually designed from scratch…

Jayne Hat

It’s a Jayne Cobb Hat! (modeled by Ty) I knitting this cunning hat in a fury to finish it up in time for…