Patty Lyons and The Secrets of Yarn Substitution

I know I mentioned on here that I signed up for Patty Lyons’ “Improve Your Knitting” course on Craftsy, but I think I failed to mention how utterly fabulous it is!  I took it because I wanted to learn how to knit continental style, but I learned so much more than that!  I really think it has helped vastly improve my knitting.  I bring this up today because there is a discussion in the Craftsy Ravelry group about how awesome Patty’s classes are and I just discovered that she has an online class through Knitting Daily called “The Secrets of Yarn Substitution”.  I’m really interested in this course because I sub yarn all the time and, I must admit, sometimes I regret it!  I would love to know some tips and tricks on how to improve my subbing success. I’ve never taken a web class from Knitting Daily before and I doubt it could possibly be as good as the Craftsy platform, but I might just give it a try.

In related news, the Craftsy Ravelry group has a running wishlist of classes we’d love to see on Craftsy and someone recently suggested a History of Knitting class.  Wouldn’t that rock?  I’d take it in a heartbeat!  I know there are some good books out there on the subject, but I’d love to listen to a great lecture on the subject instead.  Maybe I should learn something about knitting history and pitch the class myself??  I’d finally put my history degree to use.  That would be strange indeed.


  1. Patty Lyons | 30th Jan 14

    Aw, thanks so much! I'm so glad you enjoyed the class. Hope you like the yarn sub class too. Let me know if you are ever at one of my live classes (I schlep all around the country teaching). I'd love to say hi.


  2. Pepper | 30th Jan 14

    Thanks so much for visiting my blog! I would love to attend one of your live classes! I've never been to a live knitting class, and I think it would be awesome. I'll keep an eye out for you.

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