
Mindful Stitch Markers

I’ve always wanted to try making my own stitch markers, but it’s one of those things that I just kept putting off. Mostly because I don’t have a whole lot of jewelry making experience and also because I just couldn’t think of a terribly creative idea other than sticking a pretty bead on a headpin.

So, while I was at home I spent a lot of time at all the lovely chain craft stores we have in the burbs and I found some darling charms that weren’t too expensive at Michaels that say “Be”, “Here,” and “Now.” (Made by Heart & Soul). They are the perfect size for stitch markers and I love the message because it reminds me to be more mindful while I knit. I bought some small jump rings to attach the charms and some larger rings to use as the actual stitch marker and figured I’d give it a go. (Of course, I knew damn well that all these supplies would probably hang around for a year or so until I got around to making the markers!)

As I was working on my koolhaas hat on Sunday I needed a bunch of stitch markers so I just grabbed the larger rings I bought and started to use them (without the charms) and it turns out that they were absolute hell on my hands! It turns out that I bought split rings instead of smooth jump rings and the little ridges on them hurt my hands since the markers are placed every 8 stitches, so I was always touching one. So, I went back to my standard little set of red and blue markers and they were rough on my hands too – because they aren’t smooth on the edges. (In fact, that’s always bugged me about those markers!) I was getting frustrated. So, I decided that I would make my stitch markers there and then just using the charms, the smaller jump rings, and some 26 gauge wire. I even had some pretty beads in my stash so I threw those in as well. I shaped them for a size 10 needle. I suppose necessity is the mother of invention.

I think they turned out really pretty! Here’s a pic.

I ended up making 12 of them… overkill? I don’t know. I like them. I’d like to take a wire wrapping class at the bead store down the street so I can learn how to wrap that wire above and below the bead correctly. I sort of just winged it on these and I think they look fine, they just aren’t totally uniform.


  1. Mickey | 29th Jan 09

    super cute! it makes me want to make stitch markers of my own! 🙂

  2. Pepper | 29th Jan 09

    You should! It’s so much fun!

    I want to get a little better at it and maybe sell some of my creations on my etsy shop. Once I get a system going I’ll totally post a tutorial.

    My etsy shop is never a huge source of income, I mainly just have it because I get a thrill anytime someone likes what I made so much they want to pay for it. lol

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