
Flower Garden Afghan

I am seriously rethinking the flower garden afghan that I’ve been working on. I’m up to eight motifs and there are literally hundreds more to go. I tried to work number nine twice last night and had to rip it out both times. So I gave up. Truth is, I’m just really not that confident in my crochet skills and it is just a frustrating project for me at this point. The frustrating part is that I can’t tell when I’ve completed a round, but I don’t want to mess with a stitch marker every time because you have to use those little safety pin ones and it’s just a drag. Also, I can’t quite figure out where I am supposed to start at the beginning of the rounds. I feel like I have an extra loop that shouldn’t be there. Right now I feel like all my squares are different and there are tons of split yarns because I have difficulty pulling the four cluster stitches through the last hook on the needle, so I have no idea what it’s going to be like when I have to crochet them all together in the end.

….BUT, it is proving to be a great way to use up the white yarn.

Maybe I’ll toss it in the UFO pile for now and begin looking for a different afghan to work on – maybe one that is isn’t a granny square beast… for now.

five minutes later:
Yup. I’ve made the decision. It’s a UFO. Bye bye hon!


  1. Anonymous | 1st Oct 07

    Pepper, you are such a fabulous knitter! I use bobby pins for stitch markers when I crochet in the round. They’re a billion times better than those lame ones you have to fasten. You could always attach the granny squares in a strip for a granny-scarf if you don’t want to finish the afghan.


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